Generated on 20 Apr 2024

Southwark Primary School

Curriculum statement


Our pupils are at the heart of our curriculum design. Our Curriculum recognises children’s individuality as well as identifying and addressing the needs of our community to make sure that all pupils receive a curriculum that inspires and prepares children academically, socially, and emotionally for their next steps. As a school we recognise and appreciate that a significant proportion of our school community are in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant. Therefore, an important part of our curriculum intent is aimed at empowering children to overcome their individual barriers to learning. Our main aims are:

  1. Our children will gain the knowledge and skills to become independent, collaborative, confident, and successful learners

  2. Our children will develop their emotional, social, physical and moral understanding to become positive citizens.

Big ideas


Understanding what it means to be human and how human behaviour has shaped the world.


Understanding the many dynamic and physical processes that shape the world.


Understanding the creative process and how everyday and exceptional creativity can shape the world.


Understanding the importance of investigation and how this has led to significant change in the world.


Understanding the properties of all matter, living and non-living.


Understanding the complexities of the plant and animal species that inhabit the world.

Place and space

Understanding the visual, cultural, social, and environmental aspects of places around the world.


Understanding how and why things are the same or different.


Understanding why significant people, places, events and inventions matter and how they have shaped the world.


Understanding why and how things have changed over time.

Mission statement

At Southwark we create a school community where children excel, develop a passion for learning and share magical memories that will last them a lifetime. We have high expectations for every child and provide opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident, and successful learners. Through our curriculum, we equip our pupils with a secure foundation of knowledge and skills to give them success for today as well as prepare them to become lifelong learners by developing a curiosity about the world around them. We believe that every child has the right, as well as the capacity, to succeed.

We develop the whole child, meeting their individual needs in a safe, secure and nurturing environment where our differences are celebrated and children can make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society. We believe that our school must reflect the community we serve. We create a collaborative environment where all members of the school community are highly valued, make positive contributions, and work cohesively to create an inspirational environment to succeed and flourish.

General principles

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:

• Aim 1
• Understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future
• Experience the challenge and enjoyment of learning and have high aspirations for themselves and others
• Be enriched at every opportunity to make learning memorable, engaging, and inspirational.
• Develop rich and deep subject knowledge and skills appropriate to their individual starting points and needs from the moment they start in Foundation to when they leave in Year 6.
• Be taught within a coherent and progressive framework which enables them to explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum.
• Make links and connections within different aspects of their learning and apply their understanding in different contexts
• Be given opportunities to problem solve, and engage creatively as well as reflect on and articulate their learning journey
• Be immersed in a language rich environment to target the language deficit within our school.
• We believe that children learn best when they are fully immersed in their learning. For this reason, ‘project work’ enables children to make strong connections in their learning across the wider curriculum.
• Each project is based around 4 different ‘cornerstones’ of learning. Engage – This is the initial introduction to the learning. It will hook learners in with a memorable experience and set the scene; providing a context for learning. Develop – The second stage to the project will teach facts and information for deeper understanding and knowledge as well as allowing children to demonstrate new skills and allow time for consolidation. Innovate – This stage will provide imaginative scenarios that encourage creative thinking. It will enable children to apply previously learned skills and encourage enterprise and independent thinking. Express – The final stage of the project will create opportunities for shared evaluation, celebrate and share children's success and identify next steps for learning.
• Aim 2:
• Children will:
• Share and celebrate our core values to form their attitudes, guide their choices, and influence their behaviours.
• Grow in confidence, independence and self-esteem in a safe, secure and stimulating environment
• Demonstrate excellent conduct as well as positive behaviours for learning.
• Understand that all people are unique and special with different talents, abilities and needs
• Respect and celebrate differences in gender, race, ability, culture, and religion
• Appreciate and understand both social and environmental issues which affect us all both within our local communities as well as other across the world.
• Understand the importance of keeping safe, being both mentally and physically healthy, and forming positive relationships.
• Make a positive contribution to the school and local community
• Make considered and informed choices about things that are important to them and have the freedom to express their opinions on a range of different topics and issues.
• Develop a passion to try new and exciting activities


Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:

• Prepare children for life In modern day Britain (and Beyond!)
• We have high aspirations for each of our children regardless of their backgrounds, individual skills and talents. We believe that children can contribute positively in their own lives as a child and in the future as a responsible, confident and skilled learner with the desire to play an active role in society. We teach children to be numerate and literate to the highest possible standard and able to transfer these skills into problem solving and to a range of real life experiences. We embrace the use of modern technology as well as traditional methods of learning. We teach the importance of keeping safe and being engaged in a healthy lifestyle. We teach children to recognise the arts, creativity and to have an appreciation of history and human endeavour. We also aim to teach children to be skilled and lifelong learners who are independent, resourceful, resilient and who have the interpersonal skills to form positive relationships. We instil the importance of working hard as well as to stop and enjoy the world around them. We teach the importance of individual effort and the contribution they can make within teams. How we do this: Links with Industry First Aid training Vocational courses Peer Mediation Enterprise week Road Safety Healthy pupils Sports teams representing the school
• Southwark Values Our shared values underpin everything that we do here at Southwark Primary School. They help us to form our attitudes, guide our choices, and influence our behaviours. At Southwark, we have 11 values. Each month, the whole school community focuses on a different value, exploring what it means and how we can use this to positively influence our everyday lives.
• These values are: tolerance, equality, respect, co-operation, responsibility, compassion and democracy.
• There are times when our taught curriculum cover these values as themes but we also make best use of opportunities throughout the school day to promote these values at all times. The way in which we teach these is appropriate to the stages of development of the children.
• Practically these values are experienced through areas such as:
• Assemblies Whole school themed days/weeks School Council Eco Council Gardening clubs Forest schools Vertical tutor groups Vocational courses Positive behaviours Guidance and support when dealing with inappropriate behaviour Charity work Celebrating different faiths and cultures School trips Sports Day Dramatic Performances Links within the local and wider community
• We also teach children that they can influence decision making through: Democratic process Appreciation of rules and laws to protect people


Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:

• recognise that people are good at different things
• reflect and think mindfully about their learning
• work in a range of groups and settings
• build respectful friendships
• follow their own interests and be themselves
• learn how to respect themselves and others
• develop self-esteem and confidence in their abilities
• learn in a peaceful and supportive environment

Pupil voice

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:


At Southwark we have 18 children who are part of our School Council ranging in age from Year 1 to Year 6.

The Council meets monthly to discuss suggestions and questions raised by fellow pupils.

Giving the children a voice empowers them and enables them to make a positive contribution to the school and community.


Our curriculum will be taught through a pedagogy that:

• excites, promotes and sustains children’s interest
• promotes innovation and entrepreneurialism
• offers all children a memorable experience at the start of every topic
• enables and fosters children’s natural curiosity
• promotes problem solving, creativity and communication
• enables children to reflect on and evaluate their learning


We will enrich our curriculum by:

• welcoming parents and carers to take part in children’s learning and experiences
• providing on and off-site subject or topic related activities
• holding specialist curriculum days or weeks
• using quality resources in and out of the classroom
• developing partnerships with external providers that extend children’s opportunities for learning
• offering opportunities for children to learn outdoors


Pupil Group Educational visits (off-site) Educational visitors (on-site) Residential visits Arts and culture Community and partnership learning Specialist curriculum days Allocated total budget
Year 1 3 sessions 6 sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Year 2 4 sessions 6 sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Year 3 5 sessions 6 sessions 1 sessions 3 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Year 4 5 sessions 6 sessions 5 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Year 5 5 sessions 6 sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Year 6 6 sessions 64 sessions 1 sessions 4 sessions 2 sessions 3 sessions
Totals 28 sessions 94 sessions 2 sessions 24 sessions 12 sessions 18 sessions £0.00